Thursday, June 23, 2016

I'm back!!!

After a long break, I am back to posting.  I took a break while I was working on building my amazon business.  I became a full time seller back in June of 2015, and haven't looked back.  I have also started a youtube channel as a more creative outlet instead of just writing blog posts.  Please check it out:

I have also written a book about my selling experiences.  Specifically, what I did to create over six figures in sales in nine months on amazon.  It's not a step-by-step how to book, but more of my story and what I did.  I also talk about some of the strategies I used and the tools I used.  It's a cheap read at $0.99, and if you have kindle unlimited, it's free to read.  Here is a link to it:

While I will continue to post to the blog, I will be focusing more on my youtube channel.  I hope you'll stop by and leave a comment, like and subscribe.  You can also leave comments for topics you would like me to cover.  I'll do my best to provide the content you are searching for.

Have a great selling day!