Thursday, April 27, 2017

So You Want To Be A Millionaire Seller?

Ah the dreams of the new ebay seller.  They see story after story of an ebay seller who made a million dollars selling stuff on ebay, and they want to be the next success story.  So how does one accomplish this lofty goal?  What does it really take to make a million dollars selling on ebay?  Well, I'm glad you stopped in for this little chat because I am going to explain it to you.

There is no real secret to selling a million dollars on ebay.  Of course people are tempted by all of these courses that promise to reveal insider 'secrets' to accomplishing this goal.  And of course that information comes at a price, and usually a hefty one at that.  It's all smoke and  mirrors.  A lot of reading and regurgitating information that is already freely available if one has the patience to look for it.  I'll give you the real secret.  The real 'insider' information that will transform your life forever.  you have but to read on!

First, you must know how to sell on ebay.  You have to understand how to get people to buy your item instead of from the hundreds or thousands of competitors out there.  For me, I am not the cheapest seller in my niche.  I sell at higher prices than my competitors.  So why do people buy from me vs. the other guys I am competing with?  It comes down to a couple of points.  First, I follow all of the ebay rules.  Ebay will tell you exactly how to get sales.  The problem is most people don't have the time or inclination to follow the guidelines ebay has set up to help sellers.  This is the first step in being a successful seller.  Follow what ebay wants you to do to the letter.

Next, you have to have exceptional customer service.  The phrase 'The customer is always right' is something ebay lives and breathes, so you had better do the same.  Yes it sucks when we get returns, but it is no different that what retail stores go through.  Accept it and move on.  It's nothing personal, it's just a part of doing business.  Get the item back and resell it.  It sold once, it will sell again.  Feedback is your lifeline.  While most buyers pay little attention to it, ebay pays very close attention to it.  Their search engine, Cassini, uses it to weigh what sellers go to the front of the search line.  Get bad feedback and you move to the back of the bus until you redeem yourself.

While those two points are a simplification, they are the two top items to keep track of.  Do your research and learn the other factors ebay uses to score your listings against other sellers.  Trust me, you'll be glad you did!  Follow the guidelines and watch your sales take off.

Now for the meat.  How do you sell a  million dollars on ebay?  It really is a  simple formula.  Ready for it?  If you sell an item for $1, then all you have to do is sell one million of that item.  See?  Simple.  Now no one is going to do that, but you get the idea.  If your item sells for $10, sell 100,000.  If it sells for $50, sell 20,000 and so on.  It's that simple.  It's a volume game.  The higher your sale price, the less you need to sell to get that million dollars.  So what's stopping you?  As you sell you gain confidence and begin to grow.  Follow your instincts and get those sales!  Quit waiting for the lottery or a rich relative to kick the bucket.  There is plenty of cash out there for the taking.  You just have to figure out how to get it!

Have fun and let me know when you make it big!

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