Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Anyone can do this!

It's a popular misconception that the people who are successful at selling on ebay were raised to know how to spot valuable items.  While it does happen, it is not always the case.  Most sellers learn by trial and error.  Others start with something they know and expand from there.  I am a part of the latter group.

I wasn't raised by parents who went to yard sales or scavenged antiques.  I was raised in a lower middle class family that really didn't have much.  We were just this side of poor so expendable income really didn't exist.  Up until I was a teenager most of our clothes were given to us by other families in church.  So how did I manage to figure out what to sell on ebay?

By trade, I am a computer guy.  When I started selling on ebay I sold what I knew, computer stuff.  I expanded to electronics from there as a natural progression since the two are somewhat related.  I dabbled in other areas just from selling what I had around the house.  I sold off and on for about 8 years.  About 4 years ago I decided to really put an effort into selling on ebay, and for the first time really started learning what sells.

I started by being mentored by a friend that sold shoes full time.  I was reluctant at first as I did not want to intrude into his territory.  But after some coaxing, I finally jumped in and started selling.  I spent my spare time learning the brands that sold for a higher dollar amount.  After about a year, I was finally comfortable in knowing what brands to look for.  Not every one will take this long, but in addition to learning brands, I also wanted to learn ebay inside and out.

As a natural progression, I added in clothing.  I did the same thing with clothing as I had done with shoes.  I researched brands and I talked to other clothing sellers.  I applied what I had learned about shoes to the clothing and sure enough, I got the same results.  Now I am expanding into vintage and collectibles.  I am applying the same selling principles to this as I did clothing and shoes.

The point here is if you are willing to do the work, you can be successful with ebay.  It is not an easy, get rich quick venue.  Anyone can make a few bucks with ease on ebay, but to have consistent and sustainable income requires work.  Nothing worth having comes easy.  If your goal is to make a substantial income on ebay, then do the work and learn what you need to know.  Don't take the easy road and rely on what others tell you.  Sooner or later you will get burned.  Deal with facts and do the research yourself.  It will be worth it in the long run.

One of the best ways to learn about products that sell is to look at what others are selling.  Look at sold listings.  You'll see items that do well and something will get your attention.  Follow sellers you feel are doing well and track what they sell.  All the information that you need is right there on ebay.  There is no secret sauce when it comes to identifying items that sell and sell well.  If you do the homework and keep building your knowledge base of sell-able items, you will start to recognize them when you are out sourcing.

I have taught several people how to sell by using these methods.  It does work, but you have to do the homework.  It's not going to jump into your lap.

1 comment:

  1. I have had comments from non-ebay sellers that ask me where I find all of that great stuff. I think that they think everything I find is clean, neatly pressed and sparkling when I find it in a thrift store or estate sale. What they don't see is me scrubbing gum or gunk off of the bottom of a pair of shoes so I can sell them for $65 instead of $10. It is work, and you must commit to the job. You only get out what you put in.
    Love your honest thoughts.
