In this day and age, ever dime you can get is important. There are ways to earn cash even while you make purchases. Knowing how to do this is key. A small cash back reward can give you some free inventory if you use it right. So how do you get this cash back? Sit back and enjoy! I'll tell you how!
When you sell on ebay, 99% of the people use paypal as their payment processing system. But what most people don't realize is that you can actually get a paypal debit card. Yes, that's correct. You can get a debit card from paypal that let's you access your funds just like your bank check card. Now the added bonus to this is that if you use this card as a credit card, you will earn 1% cash back on all of your purchases.
I use my debit card for all business related purchases. I keep my sales cash in there for one week at a time, and always keep a $500 reserve just in case I run into a great deal, or have returns. I have earned over $50 in a single month by using my card! That's a good day of yard sale finds that is basically free. Who doesn't like free? But there is more to this than just purchases.
How many of you pay your ebay fees on a monthly basis? STOP! Don't do that. Make payments weekly so the end of the month isn't a cash shocker. The added benefit is that if you have a store, your discounts aren't applied until the end of the billing cycle. So that means you will more than likely start the new month with a negative balance. This means your first week of fees will be low. But what about making payments via paypal?
If you have the paypal debit card, make sure you follow the link under your seller account to make a one time payment. When you get to the next screen, select use a credit card. Use your paypal debit card to pay those fees. The cash still comes form your paypal account, but you get the added benefit of earning 1% cash back on those fees!
So if you are out to make money, then make all you can. Use your card to your advantage and earn that cash back. It's one way of getting back some of the fees you are paying them!
Thanks for the tip! I need to switch that today!