Friday, May 30, 2014

Friday Q&A and find of the week

It's here once again!  FRIDAY!  Got a question?  Ask here and I'll try my best to answer it.

My find of the week wasn't so much something I found this week, but rather something I listed this week.  I've had it for a couple of weeks and finally got around to listing it.  It sold in a matter of hours.  It was an RIAA Gold Record for the song Cisco Kid by War, written by Morris "BB" Dickerson.  Paid $20 sold for $249.  Not a bad haul at all!

What was your find of the week?


  1. Do you have any luck selling men's neck ties? I see them all of the time, 100% silk some even custom from Italy or France. Nicole miller and such. I figure they are great because they take up so little room in storage. I purchased a few (about 20) a few months ago for $3 each and have them listed for BIN with best offer but no bites.

    1. Ties are hit or miss. I too have a huge inventory of them, however I have not listed very many. I think it's one of those things where you need a huge inventory, and then you need the followers who buy ties. I buy them in bundles at yard sales. I'm almost to the point where I have close to 100, and then I will list them all at once. I may even try some lots of same brand ties to see if that kicks things up.

    2. I sell a few ties a month..but I typically look for unique and/or vintage novelty ties. I usually don't by brand names...I think novelty sell quicker. But I am always on the lookout for Hermes ties.

  2. Vintage Tee's are amazing sellers. Any thoughts on how to find them besides thrift stores. Wholesale maybe???
